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The WealthGen Content Creator | Passion Course

  • 0 Students Enrolled
  • By Mika Banaag

Hey aspiring content creators and influencer wanna-be's! 🎥📸 Ready to level up your game? Welcome to "The WealthGen Content Creator" course – where we're spilling the tea on crafting content that slays. Get ready to whip up stories that give 'em all the feels, visuals that stop the scroll, and words that seal the deal. We're spilling the deets on making Google fall in love with your stuff, owning the social media game, and turning your hustle into major cash flow. From building a brand that's fire to cracking the code on where to drop your genius, this course is your backstage pass to content stardom. Join a squad of fellow creatives, learn how to collab like a boss, and unlock networking hacks that'll have you shining brighter than your iPhone screen. Ready to make your content dreams a reality? Snag your spot now and let's get those ideas poppin'!

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Mika Banaag
CEO and Founder of Cosmik Digital Solutions | The WealthGen Academy

Mika Banaag is the founder and CEO of Cosmik Digital Solutions, a creative agency serving international and local clients for the last two years and running. She is a 6-figure earning freelancer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur pursuing to start up different businesses - in the media and fashion industry. With a passion for turning ideas into captivating content, Mika has mastered connecting with her clients through her work and skills.

Her journey from being a successful freelancer to a dynamic entrepreneur has equipped her with insights and strategies she's excited to share with aspiring freelancers, entrepreneurs and content creators through "The WealthGen Academy". Get ready to tap into her wealth of experience and kickstart your freelancing, entrepreneurship and content creation journey under her hands-on and exceptional guidance.


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Discounted Price: ₱
This Course Includes
  • Effective Content Creation Strategies
  • Niche Targeting and Audience Engagement
  • Mastering Visual and Written Content
  • SEO and Optimization Techniques
  • Social Media Content Excellence
  • Monetization Strategies through Content
  • Branding for Impactful Content
  • Distribution Channels and Analytics
  • Collaboration and Networking Insights
  • Personal Brand Development for Creators